
Black Women on Death Row
Andrea Jackson
Antoinette Frank
Carolyn King
Carlette Parker
Catherine Thompson
Celeste Carrington
Donetta Hill
Dora Wright
Frances Newton
Kenisha Berry
Lagayle Kimberly McCarthy
Latasha Pulliam
Linda Carty
Patricia Blackmon

Dora Wright

It was 1903, near South McAlister, Indian Territory; a 7-year-old girl named Annie Williams was whipped so severely that she died. The woman who whipped her, Dora Wright, 31, was put on trial for the girl's death. The evidence included testimony that when the child's body was examined, it showed that she had been beaten severely for many months. Her skin carried old scars showing the girl had been struck and tortured with a red hot poker. On May 30, 1903, the jury decided in twenty minutes that Dora Wright was guilty of little Annie's murder. Given the obvious, sustained, and severe abuse the poor child had suffered at Dora's hands, the jury declined to recommend life imprisonment, and thus the "negress" was sentenced to the extreme penalty. She was hanged on July 17, 1903, along with a white man named Charles Barrett, who was convicted of robbery and murder. The executions were carried out in a carnival atmosphere. The press accounts remarked that Dora Wright "mounted the scaffold without a tremor."

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